Dr. Shahid Nasir, DVM
Dr. Nasir received his DVM in 1997 and an MSc (Hons) in Veterinary Microbiology Degree in 2000. He received his VSTEP (Veterinary Skills Training and Enhancement Program) in 2007 from Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He practiced for 7 years in a mixed and exotic animal practice prior to his immigration to Canada in 2004.
Dr. Nasir began working in 2008 as a small animal and exotic veterinarian in Pembroke, Ontario. After 2 year in 2010, He moved to Whitby and Starts working in 24 Emergency Hospital in Peterborough Area. He has since developed a special interest in anesthesia, performing surgery, Medicine, Pocket pets, rabbit and birds and Other Exotics. In 2011 Dr. Nasir started his own practice in Whitby to serve the Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa and Durham region.
To further develop his base of knowledge, he attends at least one major international workshop or conference every year and also attends local veterinary meetings and seminars, he is a part of the Veterinary Information Network, subscribes to numerous journals, and networks extensively with other veterinarians.